
The Case for Israel and the Jews’ Right to Exist: Debunking Age Old Anti-Semitic Propaganda Tools Neo-Nazis still use in Modern-Day Attempts to Brainwash the Masses by Way of Disguising their own Jealousies, Hatred, and Utter Disgust for the Jewish People and their Homeland

“When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

Continue reading “The Case for Israel and the Jews’ Right to Exist: Debunking Age Old Anti-Semitic Propaganda Tools Neo-Nazis still use in Modern-Day Attempts to Brainwash the Masses by Way of Disguising their own Jealousies, Hatred, and Utter Disgust for the Jewish People and their Homeland”


Closed Borders Promote Peace

painting1Last Edit 8/29/2018, C. Karen Ben-Moyal


“You build bridges to those people who will work with you. You build walls against those people who would destroy you.”


To Whomever it May Concern,
To deny another man the freedom that he himself has is to diminish the meaning of what it truly means to be an American & patriot at its core.
Instead of relying on politicians to secure our blessings of freedom,  America’s unfulfilled journey towards restoring covenants of old must live on, even if these American duties, both divine and of historic means,  are not fully understood by all.  Justice is offered by nature’s glorious law(s); in the form of choices and decisions and the will to stand firm in the face of adversity. Should all acquaintance be forgot, focus your inner eye on the grand old flag. The symbol of liberty and peace through strength may never be forgotten if it is bounded into your every day decision making. Justice for all will win so long as the balances which weigh out and redefine the global scale of things serve as a permanent reminder to those who may freely choose to think and give; receiving nature’s gift is easy, and yet so rare in our world and even more difficult is it to maintain and secure. The rekindling of Lady Liberty’s flame takes courage and above all, faith beyond belief. Indifferent to the light of democracy are tyrants and their followers who take nature and natural law for granted. This is a blatant fact, for those who believe a dictator could govern a nation better than a majority elected leader are not followers of the American way towards freedom for all, nor contributors to the universal right to become economically stable and therefore hinder the growth of a global civil society. A freer world market should be the guiding light Americans envision when embarking into strategic cooperation  in general,  in daily life and in your work endeavors. To be united and free as the wind that blows,  natural laws are to be influenced all over, to shine away the darkness in all corners of the Earth.  Universal rights can be protected and justified by certain inalienable truths, so long as these truths are proclaimed as the governing laws of the land, of the free of course. Not to mention, natural laws must be protected by those individuals who have the avenues to lead and/or participate in any form of the growing  free enterprise system. America and Her guiding lights must work to maintain Her own free society, by striving to fulfill Her duties as a nation of free men and women, to work to redeem all rights thereof for all who will it. The majority of mankind exist under enslavement of some kind. America’s duty to restore human rights unto all nations has only just begun. A victorious revolution for each actor, as well as any nation-state, including that of American foreign policy makers, requires a reconstruction of laws and amendments needed to continue the virtues our forefathers risked their lives and others to this day have died for us to carry out.
The basis of true progress is resulted from the improvement or update of amendments, not legally outlined in the Bill of  Rights, Declaration of Independence, nor Constitutional principles, but within the realms of foreign affairs. Amendments thereof are required for the successful revision of all such American policies, and therefore must first and foremost be rededicated to coincide with American traditions,  while reminders of the notions of freedom must be simultaneously determined and outlined for the purpose of transforming knowledge into growth. A genuine reevaluation of the whole concept of globalization is necessary by law makers or those who contribute to endeavors politically regarded to the public eye.  All such reevaluations must be maintained by certain methods for successful working implementation in order to later become known by lawmakers for citizens to vote on, and if done correctly, all laws to be amended within the realms discussed in the following situational efforts will be agreed on by all sides of beliefs, both political and religious. As a republic, we should be united in what was meant by our ancestors when the origins of our United States heritage were born and written/interpreted into law. All citizens of America, citizens of our ongoing melting ot of immigrants of old and of new, are wired to instinctively follow the guidelines which have been clearly set out for us descendants, because all of us were born with natural law to pursue our greatest amount of happiness. We must strive for the betterment of us and all mankind,  to accomplish in today’s modern age, a fruitful and bright future of all of us, that is, justice restored again, one day, for all mankind. Virtuous ordinances and universal laws upon which these structured elements were endowed by our Creator unto us as human beings, must be designed by a working legislature and voted into action by citizens who wish to embrace U.S. ideals in other worldly corners, as American laws were created to do. All truths which are self evident in nature are endowed by our universal Creator, meaning all such ancient laws must be created to fit into the changing of times, for all men and women to carry out in our ever changing lives, world, and endeavors.
As Americans, our duties to create peace throughout all lands is considered a priority, just as our right to vote is to be seen as a privilege and utilized by Americans accordingly. Fact is our American identity calls for similar action to be taken regarding ever changing laws of reformation in American foreign policy to be enclosed at times of need by our national doctrines.
As American citizens, all such duties handed unto us cannot remain unfinished, nor are we allowed to stop half way down the line in humanity’s progress towards peace and prosperity in our life cycles.
On the contrary, these rights are part of what established the guidelines which make up the soul of an American, those of which are obviously threaded into Constitutional principles.
Furthermore, quitting is not in a true American’s blood, dying for what’s right is to be expected in the ongoing pursuit of peace endeavors worldwide.
To share the pillars of freedom which branch from the American tree is to guarantee your own civil rights as a citizen of humanity intertwined for working knowledge to be succumbed by the realization that all human rights should be universal and dedicated to all. Justice is meant to be lived by mankind, this includes those living outside American borders.
Thus, all constitutional rights must be reordered for worldly advances for the promotion of self governed regimes to manifest into the destinies all were born to accomplish.
To assist others in peace pursuits is to abide by our American duties..
Unlocking the doors of freedom for all regions and societies should be our collective aim as a society. To experience this justice is as American in U.S. heritage, as are the privileges to vote in American elections or the rights to fair trials are relevant in American endeavors and are as self evident as any and all American dutiful tasks belonging to all U.S. citizens living freely today.
Among other findings, the examples listed beforehand are standards to which U.S. rights must be lived and guided by for all time, as all were set into existence to be contributed eternally through the ages.
That is, to represent the opportunistic ideals America was founded upon should remain secure to ourselves, in both our hearts as well as our laws, as the leaders of a global enterprise were born to do.
It should be a well known American mission, for we cannot ignore, deny, nor cease these ideas from existence. Until completion of all such endeavors described are set as universal markers towards global standards for all mankind to live virtuously in the free.. New and old ordinances must be written to coincide with the future in mind, and restored by the hands which first brought divinely inspired regimes to life.
Thus, ancient glory must constantly be redefined and refueled by effective globalization efforts, to domino the rest of the world aside from Israel and America, towards efficient treatises of peace and autonomy to begin interacting within the borders of each nation state. For these attributes are crucial to all mankind to abide by, as the natural laws of nature are to be forevermore cherished and felt in ripple effects– these rights must be continuously protected by border control.
To unmask the guises of those who wish to harm freedom, we must redeem the identities of all of us as individuals to reconcile negotiations and strategies for collectively defeating all such enemies of the current and future allies of state democracies..
All nations and citizens of free democracies, both formerly dedicated to constitute peace, as well as those whom will choose to participate in the free market once restructure of their own laws allow in future times, are the main factors for navigating prosperity in theory into real life outcomes.
With faith and law being the seeds which unite humanity’s shared values, or those rights meant to be shared by all of us who live and breathe, the laws of nature stem from the webs entangling this knowledge.
In other words, the laws combining politics and religion can be taken from one famous sentence. “All men are created equal,” because “all are endowed by our Creator.”
The envelopment of the branches  of these truths must no longer be meticulous to the status quo. Currently modeled by American enterprises, faith in one Universal God must be secured by law, as tis a birth right for all to own and enjoy, these values have been intertwined into the DNA of humankind since the dawn of time. As an already free society, independent democracies in existence today must work to seek the same end goal, and all whose minds are free from government control may then be able to eventually take measures to cooperate with world leaders in efforts to bring these same lights of freedom to their very own dark corner of the world.

Therefore, the denial of our own rights as citizens of America is an anti American attribute, and thus the decision to shield American rights from all creatures endowed by our universal Creator– simply– ain’t ‘Merican. 

As for those who stand united in the American cause, stay in the struggle, victory is on its way thanks to citizens like you.

                   The future of all of us                 

                             is truly                           

                                               in the PSALMS of our hands. 

Continue reading “Closed Borders Promote Peace”

December 18th, 2017: From the Roots of My Tree

Huuuge thanks to all of you lovely ladies & gents for the kind birthday wishes and sweet thoughts this past December 18th!

27 years ago today I started down this life path on Earth. Every birth is renewal, the reproduction of light, love, knowledge, and ultimately, life itself.
Today, I can proudly say that although my birthday was filled with non-stop job interviews and I am blessed to have graduated only a few days ago, from the University of Houston with my Bachelors of Science degree in Political Science.
Since the status quo has consistently brought this assumption to my attention over the years, or the notion that many of you feel as though politics is only a field for those who seek to pursue mass corruption, evil games of manipulation, and/or for power-hungry tyrants who ruthlessly seek out benefits for their own personal gain; and who simultaneously end up causing destruction to whomever stands in their way, In other words, today’s world does not view politics as being in the favor of We, the People, who always seem to get stomped on bc of “greedy” politicians looking to murder, persecute, or enslave civilians in order to reach their questionable life missions and/or goals.
To clear this up for those who continue to question why I chose to fulfill this purpose: The answer is simply this: My passion is not merely to excel at a life of “politics,” not as you all define the term at least.
Simply put, there is an eternal flame that burns within my gut, my innermost core, the soul of my being. My view of politics is more than just a longing for power or money or to tell lies and/or conduct mass manipulations. Politics is merely THE most effective career path to actually make a difference in the world. As Gandhi tells us, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” How does one obtain the position of power to be able to literally fix the problems they want to see solved? They go into politics. This is the 21st century, there is no way around it. To achieve anything near or revolving around heightened activism efforts takes political strides these days. It’s not a bad thing to be passionate about it, either. It is actually a quite noble pursuit if one does strategically develop a fair, safe, and valid plan with honest intentions to achieve lastingly effective results and engage in such efforts that will benefit most People, the greater good, i.e. for thy neighbors, thy friends, thy church group members, whoever it shall benefit, it shalt be one of their own, their fellow citizens. We are, after all, a nation made up of a democratic government meant to be ruled. “by the people, of the people, and for the people.”
How curious is it that no shame disembarks upon postulates after office who advertise promises of pure deceit in return for votes– they sell their souls for political power and become most cherished by the very individuals on whom their scheming is effectuated. This goes for both sides of the political spectrum in 2020.
Furthermore, my heart beats to the drum of an indescribable rhythm. An inexplicably intense feeling which streams down heavily from upon an intangible source of pure desire– to be used for the sole purpose of helping others. However, it takes guts to love, and therefore takes a whole lot more willpower to keep rekindling this drive within a soul. Well, within my soul — that’s for sure.
The way I see it, the more backstabbing and caniving behavior I witness throughout the motives of my peers and even mentors and superiors, the more karma reaches out to me. This is what motivates the light and thus fuels the flame which keeps your candle lit for as long as it takes to restore justice, or, the betterment of mankind; However little or small the issue or dilemma seems to be at first glance, or before a ripple has begun to take effect, the problems and disasters the GLOBE faces today are more complex than meets the eye…. WAY more complex. In this case, the ripple begins with you, it is born from you, it is created through your choices and your will, and, of course, the Will of G-d.
In sum, I can’t help but think of politics as the best — way/venue/route– possible — to take care of humanity itself. If you really think about it, the meaning of life is having the genuine knowledge and self-awareness of your own immortality. Wisdom is the only concept that sets the abstract apart from actual human existence. If you’ve got one but not the other, you will remain in the darkness.
With a little hope, focus on your very own destiny, and most importantly, with some serious GUTS you will find the inner strength to conquer your own self and may even overcome your fears, your insecurities, or whatever may be holding you back. Just remember that whatever is preventing you from truly seeing — or — whatever is keeping you in the dark — is only an emotion that YOU were responsible for letting in, and, you must thereby work twice + as hard to show that emotional creep the exit– out the door. You must also strategize a way to build a barrier around your heart –tall and strong enough so that your anxieties, or stresses, but mainly — your fear(s)– can disappear, for good. This means your guard must always be raised, and your mind must keep ego fierce enough to face your battles, but do not let your ego overcome your sense of humility.
Moreover, these passions, motives, feelings, thoughts, attributes, whatever you’d like to name them — are the matches which fuel the fire that my destiny requires to continue to grow and branch out as far and wide as the roots of my own tree of life, or perhaps the wind that blows will allow. Follow your wind, and I can promise you that —
Your deepest passion(s) will inevitably lead you to your purpose.
With this in mind, I encourage you all to go outside and take a look up into the starry Heavens above. EMBRACE tonight’s New Moon, embrace the endless wonders and impossibilities of our universe. Keep in mind, that with a little bit of creativity and imagination, the Milky Way is sure to throw some magic your way. NOTHING. IS. IMPOSSIBLE. Take it from someone who has literally defied the odds only your fears are forcing you to face. Get rid of fear, get rid of doubt, it sounds cliche, but honest to G-d, believing in yourself works. Your choices are half-chance, so.are.everybody.elses. Run with that 50% chance, run with it to the moon and back. Odds are, you will be the only person striving for the seemingly “impossible.” Because, in reality, not society’s reality, but through your OWN realistic lense, you know your possibilities are actually endless. And there is absolutely nothing that can stop you. Except for fear, don’t let it creep up on you. Your fire can blow it out of the water.
Fire kicks doubt’s ass…. Trust me. NO, better yet, trust in y-o-u! HAVE FAITH IN YOUR ABILITIES.
Did not mean for this to become a whole motivational speech or w/e, but thought it was about time for it, from my perspective anyway.
The origin of all of this thought was to remind y’all to embrace this time/season of renewal, as we ALL transition into the rest of our BEAUTIFUL journeys!
Happy Holidays and a Sweet New Year, Y’all! Take good care.

-Karen Ben-Moyal, Dec. 2017
