
The Case for Israel and the Jews’ Right to Exist: Debunking Age Old Anti-Semitic Propaganda Tools Neo-Nazis still use in Modern-Day Attempts to Brainwash the Masses by Way of Disguising their own Jealousies, Hatred, and Utter Disgust for the Jewish People and their Homeland

“When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

Continue reading “The Case for Israel and the Jews’ Right to Exist: Debunking Age Old Anti-Semitic Propaganda Tools Neo-Nazis still use in Modern-Day Attempts to Brainwash the Masses by Way of Disguising their own Jealousies, Hatred, and Utter Disgust for the Jewish People and their Homeland”

Haikus: (2016VS2022): The Future of All of Us is Truly in the PSALMS of OUR hands

*Some things never change. 💫🙏🦅🕊✨

Copyright. Karen Ben-Moyal. Dec. 18, 2021.

Copyright. Karen Ben-Moyal, 2016.

Chanukah: the Dawning of the Feast of Lights

On the Miracles…

The miracle of rekindling the most sacred of bonds; as children of the Maccabees, Brethren and sisters of mankind. With our ancestors watching over our shoulders from the starry skies, and G-d Almighty guiding His whole universe in the way of His light, meant to lead us out of darkness since the world literally began.

A great miracle however, was to take lead of the downwards course of events; the cause of justice soared steadily throughout the lands and seas of ancient Judea, and this cause led to the start of A great miracle.

Thus, before we even realized it ourselves,

The People of Israel watched, alongside the entire world,


A Great Miracle Happened;


and There.

While A Flying Scroll floats on eternally above us all….

United, We still Stand, through our ancient glory, we continue to overcome obstacles seemingly impossible to have had ever achieved. Through this determination, our unstoppable leaps of faith, combined With The Hope — although frail — will never allow the loss of our site: That which was the vision of our ancestors, who could see the radiance in a world of utter despair—That which shall be the vision of the future inhabitants of Judea…

To look back at our ancestors’ strife—-or Before ancient Judea was governed by it’s rightful owners, the Judeans—Jews—or descendants of the tribes of Israel—The land of Judea was mostly vast desert and in ruin under failed tyrannical leaderships— generations of our peoples lived in utter despair and gloom—as did all citizens enslaved by the kingdoms of Syria and Greece, etc.… Before the common era, Judea was seized by the enemies of peace, with the Jews in exile or living in a world of slavery, and total darkness. Fortunately, Our Maccabean ancestors—along with the spirit of liberty and G-d —were triumphant in battle, and in successful political change by way of democratic forces governing our rebuilt temple, and newly founded, free society. Indeed, this was one of the first times this was ever recorded— that is, the evidence of the miracles our ancestors witnessed through Our Creator and our Will to transform Ourselves into warriors for HaShem, Jewish rebels, as odd as it may always sound. Modern Israel was reborn because of this same zeal. Our Maccabean Spirit leapt Newborn in 167 BCE, as it was set free as predicted by our prophets—by the brave hearts of our past. Finally, we the maccabees, found our opportunity to rebel against the tyrannical regime of our forefathers, and win a revolution against the idol-worshipping society formerly governing the peoples of our land. We risked it all for Adonai, finding our roots en route to our destiny that led us out of hiding from beneath the shadows of our caves of persecution, where we hid from our enslavers until we no longer would. In triumphant strength, did the Maccabees battle and win an impossible war, for freedom and justice prevailed for the first time in thousands of years. Our people would be free, for the moment, at least, oh what a miraculous thing it is–to be able to watch and understand, that a single candle can light up a room of darkness, even when it is out-numbered in its shine, and even when we are out-armed, 100, or 9 ,to 1. Through the Strength of Our Almighty Creator, the Hand of G-d Prevailed over tyranny, even in our world’s gloomiest hours, when the rebels of the BCE chose to act on the gut of their warrior souls. And it worked, it always works, it always will work. For, we’ve survived.

Only through This same Hope, can our spirits be kept alive; Bound by a shared purpose we once sought, in houses divided. Through struggle and triumph we are found; for the greatest of rewards are received through faith beyond belief; our hard earned will to prevail—sealed within the unity of brotherhood, the dream worth the wait; a union indivisible for the rest of our days, And so we give eternal thanks. As we acknowledge the blessings we know to be true, our rivers which flowed from opposite streams, we return to the waves of love which also turned the tides to bore, the onset of a secret meeting location–A vast ecosystem which lies in the depths of the ocean blue floor. That is, underneath the Liberty Tree can one peace-seeking individual find, this mysterious other world, yet comfortable and calm, genuine and divine. Within the depths of the ocean blue, are these natutal resoervoirs, not built by mankind, as these sparks of water and light hydrate the souls of all of us, creatures and humans of mankind. A connection in This unique World of Faith Beyond Belief, a bond which connects all the living, as it keeps us alive. This Hope gives life to all on Earth. It’s probably the strongest-emotional attribute that most humans share—as it stems from G-d’s Mercy, for His People to seek out in the worst moments of Despair. So, too, the creatures gliding beneath our toes, are connected to our livelihood. For, our survival, too, depends on this same life-stream. Irrigated into the purity of our hearts, together we’ve burned away the darkness, our rays illuminated all the shadows of doubt, all had been casted away to the depths of the ocean floor.

Never again would we be torn apart, as we should be well aware that our fates belong to and exist for purposes of learning the knowledge obtained from miracles and riding them into a more peaceful union, brought by Our G-d, as only the Creator of All of Us could bring such love, riding On the Miracles; Just as the wisdom of G-d held onto the first beam of light to survive out of darkness, soon turned into the first flower to bloom. Irrigated through the systems we create on our paths, alongside one another we celebrate our festivals of light with one another, to recognize the miracles of each and every single day is such a gift and a blessing. The breath we breathe is magic in itself, and the heart that beats within our chests, is too, so clever, so impossible. Yet, the beat of this drum ancient, no modern technology needed for it to function at its greatest potential– As this is the same rhythm which brought our universe into existence, out of a blackhole of darkness. When, for the first time, out of a bang and in less than a millisecond did out whole creation take form. For, when G-d saw that,

There Could Be Light, There was Light. There is Light, Let There Be Light.

And thus, the impossible occured at the origins of our species as a whole. It is our duty to utilize this same spirit of freedom, that of which seems brightest during the most wonderful time of the year. Through the courage and purity in our hearts, old, new, and those yet-to-come, May we come together as one. Now and for the rest of the year, and all the years after that For, we know for certain we’ve burned away the deepest of darkness before. When our rays illuminated all the shadows of doubt, they were cast away long before we ever knew what reached at the deptyhs of the ocean floor. Although this mystery still remains to this day, we are more aware now, in understanding and in knowledge, of our universal landscape and all it encompasses, we were always meant to push away the darkness for all of us, so that the next generation may live to be free, and wander onto Mars during their lifespan: For, our battle to set footprints on the moon was once won, and fought for by those who came before us, those that made it possible and a reality, for us to be inspired by within our own age. It is necessary we give back more than we take, for what would there be to live for if we could not climb to be better, each and every day.

So too, will the candles of freedom burn away the darkness, that which lasted 8 days and 7 nights—once, “In the beginning,” when G-d created the universe in seven days. And again, when our perpetual torch of liberty needed to be kept alive in 160’s BCE, and forever. Even when our oil should have only lasted one night, G-d brought us Miracles, one after the other, in patterns over the ages.

When G-d brought His rebel-warriors the rays of light casted by the sun, the moonlight shot like an arrow down to Earth, and vice versa, unto the stars and planets lightyears away; This magic can be seen with the naked eye when viewing the crescent moon each month—as the Earthshine reflection can be seen as the outline of darkness filling out the rest of the circle of the moon, it is the reflection of Earth’s beams shining back at the moon, causing a shadow to form over the rest of the moon, or according to Leonardo DaVinci, Earthshine is what we see up on the tiny-looking crescent. Thus, it has always been that all across space-time, we are all, at some point, lost. However, it is up to us to be found.

Finally, we give thanks to the Almighty, our greatest strength; through all the strife that continues to bring us to the summit of timely achievements in life. After every climb is a rocky bottom. But even in our time spent at the depths of the ocean, we will find—An invaluable lesson to be learned, yet is hidden beneath the lava and coals at Earth’s Core. If we will it, however, it will be. If we will it, it is no dream. So, too, even during our time spent in darkness, whether it be for long or short, may Your human beings eventually find the tools required to rebuild your world anew, in every age. As each of our individual paths are necessary to fulfilling a purpose so much greater than all of us. We, the People: We, the Maccabees, are forever grateful for You, Adonai. G-d of the Universe: You are My Only Rock, My One Redeemer, Our Eternal Shield. 😘 תודה רבה השם 💙🤍🕎🤲

– With Infinite Love, KBM

Copyright, 2021. Karen Ben-Moyal


E Equals M Plus C, Squared

Photograph: Above is an optical image from the Digitized Sky Survey shows Cygnus X-1, outlined in a red box. Cygnus X-1 is located near large active regions of star formation in the Milky Way, as seen in this image that spans some 700 light years across. An artist’s illustration on the right depicts what astronomers think is happening within the Cygnus X-1 system. Cygnus X-1 is a so-called stellar-mass black hole, a class of black holes that comes from the collapse of a massive star. New studies with data from Chandra and several other telescopes have determined the black hole’s spin, mass, and distance with unprecedented accuracy.

One should relax with an open mind and spirit, when reading the following scientific explanation of the universal point of origin, documented within the Torah and by Isaac Newton’s Laws of Gravity, Einstein’s Laws of Relativity, and Galilee’s proven theories on the ways in which light, magnetism, and electricity work together to light up our modern world, in the same way the ancient stars, moon, planets, and sun did for curious gazers like Galileo, who spent his time on Earth fighting for justice within a monarchical dictatorship, invented his own telescope to get a better gaze at the starry skies at night, and looked into the fiery sun head on, without ever going blind. On the contrary, one could say Galileo had the equivalent talent Leonardo DaVinci had in art and painting the future as a way to enhance their experiences in our ongoing creation story… One could in fact state with certainty that Galilees vision was only further magnified by his “unconventional” activities. Whether it be sun gazing the days away by the ocean to come up with the first scientific explanation of our Moons magnetic pull and the impact it has always had on the tides, low and high depending on which angle of our Earth you are standing upon. 

The excerpt below incorporates a brief analysis over the scientifically explained truths over spiritual doctrine and physics being the first and most solid form of science which proves our “living scrolls,” of ancient still remain to this day— Filled with fact hidden beneath symbolic arts in wording, language, vowels, mathematics, geometry, numbers, historical documentation and in doing so, one could argue that Judaism at its most fundamental way of thinking and believing in G-d, is very much the most pure form of reality—as it is all backed by facts in scientific revolutionary periods by mainly religious men who brought this way of thinking to our world— and lived to make our modern world a better place than their own- as we must force ourselves to think purely independently, all biases and religion aside — when deciphering that which has been proven time and time again by the greats— the brave men and women who made our universal magic tangible— using the scientific wisdom of G-d and the world Around them to break grounds throughout the ages. We look back today to understand and efficiently move forward tomorrow.

Sharing this writing today, on behalf of our worldwide, (voluntary), mass enlightenment shortage crisis, we are experiencing in our current times. I rarely write about anything non-political, but when I do, I explore our universal truths in a different light, from a scientific perspective that is turned into a multi-dimensional analysis based on the same scientific method all true “Poly Sci-ers” use to develop an argument or theory and prove it by arguing the most logical explanation needed to withstand the times in which we live and will withstand decades after. Just as in a foreign or domestic policy implementation debate or work assignment I have— I use the natural laws in humankind combined with the formulas of physics and common. Sense — to prove each element of the scientific debate, with G-ds awesome world and the deep symbolism in Torah scripture and in meanings of holidays and seasons, we can all relate to this curiosity.

Simply put: From the perspective eyes of The World as We Once Could See it; We find the most real Magic there ever was:

The Magic of what— Is. Enjoy.

E Equals M Plus C, Squared


c. Karen Ben-Moyal. December 2020.

Science has shown that there’s only one “substance-less substance” that can change into matter. And that’s energy. Einstein’s famous equation, E=MC2, tells us that energy can change into matter. And once it changes into matter, time grabs hold. Before Einstein, the Laws of Relativity were undefined in both the understanding of theory and physics. Although Philosophers and scientists of all ages had been theorizing and contemplating for centuries, similar ideas since the beginning of time, dating as far in human history can go, thanks to good ole Al, we know these laws of nature both scientifically & philosophically (spiritually), now; However, most thinkers today, still cannot think for themselves as most cannot debate nor connect the latter to the former, and vice versa—leaving the latter object up to subjective interpretation in a variety of field, in our modern world. A tip for others out there whom are too fascinated by the designs of time-space from the philosophical, natural, scientific if we could truly ever begin to understand the knowledge of natural law and understand G-d’s will simultaneously, one would require the unconditional, uniquely creative skill set, and a mind so open that the freedom to think, observe, question, and speak—anything other than an original thought—- must be eliminated from ones mind, and for the most part, could not have learned anything at all unless the basis of faith as an explanation for unexplained reasons and causes in nature, must have been implemented by G-d Almighty through the individual soul to accept and seek— the wisdom that only the tree of knowledge in the most fundamental sense— could make possible the unveiling of the improbable, in ones own mind, through the soul that most likely was born with the purpose of finding these reasons at the start of their lifespan. For, in the beginning of all creation, G-d said let there be light. And there was light. Or, in the words of the infinite universe, In the beginning, space-time reacted to the following equation, which produced the existence of life, at its own foundation:


Furthermore, We know that (E) = energy ― or the light beams, radio waves, gamma rays, x-rays ― all travel at the speed of light, (C), 300 million meters per second. At the speed of light, time does not pass. The universe was aging, but time only grabs hold when matter is present. This moment of time before the clock begins for the Old Testament, or our universal Bible, lasted about 1/100,000 of a second. A miniscule time. But in that time, the universe expanded from a tiny speck, to about the size of the Solar System. From that moment on we have matter, and time flows forward. The Biblical clock begins here, at E equals M, C, squared.

Side Thoughts from KBM/The Author:

– Isn’t it but strange to realize how both rhythm and sound were born out of the extraordinary circumstances birthed during the phenomena resulted by way of creation. Just as the reflections illuminating the rays of light are complemented by the shadows of darkness on land, water is rooted from the same seed, in the beginning there was light which was used to bring all the elements of the universe into existence. These same forces of nature birthed the light that survived out of nothingness to cause that which brought the seas into existence. The One Creator of all of us, creatures and mankind— motioned and brought forth the creation of the 7 seas on Earth and H20 in general, via the wave lengths serving as vessels for energy to travel at the same time and distance as light—For the destined patterns we see in opposing forces are the keys which vibrate and attract energy to and from objects in nature.

-Nature is filled with hidden patterns and parallel wavelengths refracting and reflecting off the moon beams which give light to the stars at night and and the motion that pulls the tides of our oceans to and fro, high and low. Thus, the meanings of life are the very same sparks which first created all nature and Her inhabitants to date. Before the wind collided with the very first foundational elements aka the beams of fire which brought and continue to bring about the life of the inhabitants of our planets’ oceans. These first moonbeams of light were and still are the same electrical magnetic waves of energy used to bring in the tides of the Earth—millions of years since the creation of the universe began— this electricity lives on in our lives—and are still the fundamental tools used to measure weather today in meteorology and are now explained by science in forms of chemical equations, geometry, and nuclear physics.

-Therefore, we now have solid scientific evidence which proves what every human being that’s ever lived has known at their core—that God made both man and beast on the same day, the 6th day of creation is to the realization that light and water were created on the same day. The moon and stars may only fulfill their functions if the laws of attraction in nature continue in motion at the same rate throughout the rest of time. Alas the Intertwining of my two favorite elements at once: Light & Water were made for you and me. And all the creatures and organisms in between, all were created along side each other to reflect the rhythms of sound and song by way of the rays of the moon and sun meeting halfway. At sea level one reaches the silence consuming the ocean floor. The beams of the moon move the tide at this level, this same light is used by the sun rays which are used for many reasons too, and the stars illuminating the darkness on both land and water give the ocean brightness even in the middle of nothingness, the shadows of the moon and stars light the seas in similar manner. The lightning and thunder that falls with the rain signify the beat marching to life’s drum by way of clashing in communication with one another. The thunder is the sound announcing the introduction of the lightning not far away, as it grows closer the winds blow the waters alongside the storms which parallel the laws Nature cleverly abides by, and has done so since birth of all life. A specific reason is given to each and every detail in creation, but why is it that the laws of attraction, or the forces which cause opposites to attract also signify day and night to the inhabitants of all the lands on Earth? The differences lie within the secrets in between the light and the dark. The time when twilight transitions night to day and day to night. The location of this phenomena is where the answer is found. The key is to examine the movements on land by comparing them to the waters and rivers and streams of all kinds. when Darkness settles during the day when a rain storm is forming above. The sounds of the thunder are much more intense above water than they are below. But why does lightning strike so violently Light & Water = pure cosmic serenity. Out of rays of light, the beat of a certain rhythm is combined to form shadows which illuminate the darkness, by enhancing the twilight in between waves of energy such as waves of electricity as well as waves turned by the tides. Serene vibrations reflect the rays of light beaming down to shadow the beauty of creation and the significance of the origins of all 92 universal elements beat to a drum one can only sense while immersed in the first two elements to come into existence. Enlightenment galore and all at once the rays of light and waves of the ocean collide into the rhythm of your soul to beat to the drum of my own heaven on Earth. Looking at moon tonight. Half crescent and sky bright with G-ds creation, stars with Forests blooming like a couple of hundred giant, magic beanstalks, stretching over the rainbow horizon —- from the dirt of the earth to the highest point of light at the speed of light through the gravity holding up The spinning global atmosphere — floating waves in the sky —- float on above and so below— endlessly wild and charming by day, invisible by night—- our solar system guarded by clouds of swords and shields of freedoms wind —- all above the horizon —- turning at an opposite angle and direction of the world we are all used to trying to be a part of.. the life we should be grateful to share … as I observe the world above my lil ole self, I look to the moon and and think of G-d, my ancestors, the animal Kingdom , admiring the trees colliding with the Andromeda….:. Long story short – Tonight after a day of utter despair — I saw a brain in the moon. The crescent half full on one side … right looking up and left from the moon itself… the other side of the empty circle filled with invisible star dust and ether .. the dark side of my heart almost… and for a moment I saw the human head or the left and right ventricle of the skull and flesh of a brain… I wonder if the moon led us to biological advancements in brain research or if our generation has forgotten why we mean to exist and think at all. I love you G-d. Thank you. amen. – Karen Ben-Moyal, thoughts in between the Dawn, Circa.[2016-2021].

Please view blog posting over “The Beam that Lit Up the Universe as We Know It” for further reading! Thanks. -KBM

© Karen Ben-Moyal, Author/Owner of [www.karenbenmoyal.com/www.Karen BenMoyal.org], The Karen Chronicles, [2015-2021] Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Karen Ben-Moyal and The Karen Chronicles, [www.karenbenmoyal.com] with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


The U.N. Delusion

United Nations = Democracy of Tyrants 
The Preamble to the United Nations Charter states that it was created to “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war,  promote fundamental human rights, the equality of women and economic and social progress.” from its founding in 1945 to date…  The United Nations has not only failed to champion these ideals, it is actively destroying them — under the guise of tolerance, idealism, multiculturalism and peace.

The United Nations has closed its eyes to invasions, tolerated genocide and accepted injustice. “Where there is tyranny it is timid, but where there is freedom it is vicious.” It knows no law but power, and it knows no justice but accommodation with a totalitarian majority. In the past this majority was assembled by the USSR and its vassal states. Today the totalitarian majority answers to the dictates of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

On June 26, 1945, the representatives of 50 nations met and signed the treaty that created the United Nations. The Republic of China, the first nation to sign, exists now only as an isolated chain of islands, abandoned by its former allies and shut out at the UN. The nation that has taken its seat is the People’s Republic of China, a Communist dictatorship responsible for the deaths of 40 million of its own people. The UN’s treatment of the first signatory to its charter is representative of how the politicization of its laws and the degradation of its principles have undermined the founding ideals of this organization. UN Resolution 2758 mandated the expulsion of the Republic of China “for the protection of the Charter of the United Nations and for the cause that the United Nations must serve under the Charter.”2* The nation that put forward this resolution replacing a founding member with a Communist dictatorship was the Socialist People’s Republic of Albania, another Communist dictatorship, which kept its own labor camps and tortured political prisoners, and whose economy was heavily subsidized by the People’s Republic of China. The resolution barred the first signatory to the UN Charter from ever reapplying for membership in the international organization – officially in the name of protecting the UN Charter, but actually in the name of protecting the territorial ambitions of the People’s Republic of China and the political alliance of The USSR, the second signatory, was already responsible for the murder of tens of millions through its program of ethnic cleansing and mass repression. Its signature on the Charter did not alter its policies. Its gulags did not close as a result; its armies did not pull back from captive nations. A number of the 50 original signatories were already on the verge of being made satellites of the Soviet Empire. The 51st, Poland, was delayed from joining the 50 by a Soviet-backed Communist takeover. Even as the ink was drying on a charter of world peace, the second signatory to that charter was forging the chains that would bind a tenth of the other signatories into a totalitarian empire. In the two months after the UN treaty signing in San Francisco, the signatories would issue new declarations of war, drop nuclear weapons and fight civil wars. It was a reminder that very little had changed or would change: that for all the idealistic sentiments of its Charter, the UN was an affirmation….

From 1975-1979, the Khmer Rouge Communist Party carried out one of the bloodiest reigns of terror in the second half of the 20th century, causing the deaths of millions. During and after this “Cambodian Genocide,” the UN Security Council did not issue a single resolution, nor recognize the event as a major atrocity, resulting in 1.671 and 1.871 million deaths in total, or 21 to 24 percent of Cambodia’s population at the time.  While millions were dying, the UN occupied itself with condemning the Israeli expulsion of the Sharia judge of Hebron and the United States for allowing former members of the Rhodesian government to enter the country. In fact, it is significant to note that was not UN action but the Vietnamese invasion that finally put an end to the worst of the Pol Pot’s terror. The United Nations, after being approached by the Cambodian government nearly two decades later, finally got down to the task of trying some of those involved for genocide.

In 2011, one of the most hateful events took place when the  United Nations met in a city with the second largest Jewish population in the world. Soon after the anniversary of the 9/11 massacre of three thousand Americans almost a decade prior, the United Nations General Assembly recognized the existence of a Palestinian state. Even though the Gaza half of that proposed state was not only governed by the Hamas terrorist regime and their donors, it also had and still has an infamous charter calling for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jewish people. Events that unfolded that September were just more reminders to the world that the United Nations is not only a biased organization, but that it is a conspiracy of tyrants and terrorists.

And finally there is the instance of the UN Kenya office which resettled refugees in exchange for bribes. An ugly example of how UN corruption and greed perverts even its humanitarian missions. The culture of corruption at the United Nations means that it is unrecoverable as an organization. The UN has taken on the corrupt character of the worst of its member states and further involvement with it diverts  America’s success in missions domestically and abroad — which means further hindering the American economy and struggling to influence free market and foreign policies overseas while regional stability and overall peace efforts are weakened worldwide….

The U.N.’s obsessive war against the free world has become its own war as well. The 65th General Assembly session had 16 resolutions targeting Israel. Burma, Iran and North Korea were hit with one each. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency is dedicated to aiding the Palestinians with half of that money going through the hands of the terror group Hamas.

But whether it’s the UNRWA or WHO or UNESCO, the Human Rights Council or the International Labor Organization, the Commission on the Status of Women or the International Court of Justice; there is only one real item on the agenda: Israel.

The Isaiah Wall opposite the United Nations carries a quote from Isaiah, but a more appropriate quote would be from Ecclesiastes. “That which is crooked cannot be made straight.” The United Nations was crooked from its very beginning. Its spine was bent, its morals were bent and its purpose was bent. The tyrants and terrorists  of the world have bent it to their will.

In order to truly understand the ROOTS of the corruption constantly recycled throughout the United Nations of Terror, we must glimpse into past misconceptions and illegal, immoral behavior that has gone on too long and been tolerated by the ranking members of the United Nations, those who have been pulling the strings since the founding of the bizarre organization. We must focus on studying on the rocky foundations, relationships, and broken promises the U.N. set up and carried out in broad daylight, both during and after the years leading up to the reestablishment of the State of Israel in 1948.  An investigation into the vague and mostly hurtful responses the U.N. initiated towards Israel being attacked repeatedly in numerous wars is required– those of which Israelis had to act fast, mostly alone, and without ANY help from the U.N.  Even on their own, or with the help of American support if available,  Israeli DEFENSE wars and state building had to take place before the nation had a sovereign, secure, fair, and democratic governance system, and this was indeed done without any U.N. assistance, in fact it was done with heavy U.N. burden and hindrances that added to the anti peace agenda Israel was trying so hard to fight against. 
Finally, let’s look at just some of the abundant evidences which prove the true intentions of the United Nations– evil intentions which were in opposition of peace for Israelis and show the U.N. only had zero desire for justice at all. To start off, we can view the data charts below, and can see clearly the immense hate for Jews the U.N. held from day 1. By simply following the money trails, it becomes apparent that the millions of dollars stolen each year  from the U.S. to pay the U.N. has cost American tax payers a fortune, and has simultaneously gone towards the funding of terror and death and anti freedom causes.  The U.N. has obviously painted their fiscal portraits, made public, of utterly falsified facts and data– the truths spelled out here, however, will really shed light on how the U.N. has used American values as a platform to fund themselves and terrorists, and even these short findings will show just how realistic it is that this organizations’ actions — since October of 1945– have directly resulted in high death tolls, numerous and various broken treatises, and an infinite supply of anti Semitic lies, anti- peace missions have been committed by U.N. corruption.

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Using the slideshow images above to calculate the ACTUAL percentages of survey distributions cited by the United Nations throughout the last decade. One can immediately account for the enormity of disillusionment the U.N. fosters and continues utilizing in ongoing efforts to blind the world through false surveys and blatant lies.

First we can discuss the claim made by many millennials who proclaim themselves Republicans: In contrast to the arguments commonly made by liberals countering Israel’s right to statehood, Americans on the right tend to make the argument revolving around the false and unsubstantiated claims which assume their fears for American tax dollars and foreign aid being wasted on Israel.Most in this category falsely account for the State of Israel’s blame to be shed on the country’s BORROWING of “too much money in foreign American aid.” Of course they forgot to account for the statistics of the world in which you will discover that America sends funds to almost all world nations, even enemies of the state, increasingly each year.  Not to mention, since the miracle that was the 2016 election of our current commander in chief, Donald trump has managed to work with Israel in eventual economic sovereignty  of the state of Israel to occur over the next few years. This means that since 1948, Israel has managed to eliminate debt to their American allies while growing towards economic dependence and are now beginning to fund world nations themselves, without having to rely on American aid ever again. Today, Israel is a sovereign nation, simultaneous in relieving America of some financial distress and are the second growing leaders of technological advancements to the world. Actually, Israel has also been watching over the United States in terms of carrying the weight shifted by Obama’s failed 8 years which would have resulted in major decline of not only United States, but was a major blow to global progress. Israel continued in research and continue to hold the title of the number one country to contribute strategic considering  agricultural growth and trade, weaponry development, advancements in space exoneration while NASA was removed by Obama at the beginning of his first term here in the states. Israel maintained balance of the world’s achievements and growth in all forms during the stagnant 8 years of Obama term. While America’s position eventually declined in all its former glory for the first time, in all areas relating to world  globalization, the world allies of America would have been left in the dust if it had not been for the state of Israel’s actions during the time. The eternal U.S. flame was held high by the state of Israel, even if Americans themselves were living in darkness here at home, Israel took major actions towards noble efforts as they saved the expertise learned by their best friends since israel’s reestablishment in 48, the nation was able to uphold fundamental advancements formerly carried out by only the  U S of A.. Israel modeled America’s historic strategies for war, law, and peace,  this allowed for Israel to carry some of the American burden ignored by the Obama Admin. for almost a decade. Israel made successful strides before, during, and after Obama’s two terms of doom, however, the fact that the small and young state of Israel was able to significantly improve and even upstart new democratic missions shared by the two countries sacred bonds revolving shared values between them, was a noble achievement in itself.  Not only did Israel give the world new ideas and gain economic control of themselves and others in the region, they were able to hold down the American fort while Hitler incarnate sat in the white house and steered both citizens of the U.S., as well as institutions, especially the  United nations, to frame his anti israel biases and destructive ideas as those of the masses. This was all distorted mostly through the media, another counterpart in the circle of anti freedom fighters that made America fall at record breaking declines. ALL OF which sent shock to America’s former allies,  israeli investors, strategic and trade partners, as well as americans themselves. However, Bibi Netanyahu was able to envision truth and harvest light, at least enough for law makers and the israeli government as a whole to see the truths which were blinded during the time and it was truly a blessing Netanyahu was sitting rime minister during America’s darkest hour since the civil war. This allowed for israel and Her citizens to maintain respect for America through and through. One administration shadowed so much truth while mass media gave way for highest divisions here at home and throughout the U.K. and canada, fueling hate and anti semitism disguised by the never ending news and social media highlights falsifying the state of American progress, and in the meantime covering the atrocities commited under obama by the feds during the 8 years he used to kick start the very real on sight of a world war 3 .. even after U.S. former back to back wins in world wars 1 and 2 made it nearly impossible for  anyone or nation in this dimension to bring the rise of another world war,  the rest of the world and its leaders were set into wartime motion efforts, seeking refuge for future attacks and shelter, while living with the most concerning fears of the era we are living in, terrorist attack after terrorist attack to all regions of the world and here at home, made the chaos all the more real and the fear of innocent civilians all over the world rise along with the anxieties of the neglected American allies as they watch USA transform into thin air or slowly become stacked against the leaders the globe once relied on, can’t imagine the allies feelings of losing their nuclear umbrellas, their safety exposed while the threat of a nuclear holocaust beginning to take form with the holders of the most destructive and dangerous nukes and military weapons being the enemies of the U.S. who were once defenseless  and yet held the firearms and manpower to make this nightmare almost tangible to the eyes of the surrounding regions and civilizations whose dictators were gaining more means for destroying America and Israel every day obama sat in the white house. All such distortions were all made evident by the force of the U.N.’s  guiding shadows, United Nations set the lights of darkness not quite ready for destruction but growing significantly each year, towards ultimate disaster, and loss of freedom’s virtues were for the first time brought against the lights of hope, the lights using all their extra strength to combat the darkness, burning away the darkness caused the shadows to stay shadows, but as we know from historic events, eternal flames are only eternal if they are able to shine on forever. The chances for these lights to continue burning were shed each day, shining less and less over the years and this was also evident here at home, and all over the globe.    At this time, the world’s leading countries grew tired and became misguided and thus were sent even more off track by the obama admin.’s ongoing, hateful attempts to divide and conquer via media outlet resources.

A great miracle however, was to take lead of the downwards course of events; the effects of justice soared steadily throughout the  months of the newly elected leaders in America in 2016, and this caused the start of this great miracle.

Thus, before we even realized it ourselves,

Israel watched, alongside the entire world,


A Great Miracle Happened;


and There.

Thankfully, Israel was able to steer clear of  all the lies resulting from the webs entangled within our very own American nation. While fighting for their own freedom, Israel continued to create strides that have led the world towards higher pursuits for peace,  resulting in one of the leading reasons america’s advantages was automatically restored, once Obama was out of office that is. Israel now holds the torch in creating their own defenses, in both numbers in army  combat as well as military stations  and missions to assist impoverished nations all over the world, whether it was through trade of resources or Israel  becoming the savior of nations who had been hit hard by natural disasters in need of aid and rescue. Not to mention, Obama era called for zero strategical/ technological advances in regards to medicine and educative efforts for growth.

UN Logic  also Singles Israel out as the only country in the ENTIRE world that discriminates against women.

This is mind boggling because when you actually USE logic you’ll discover that there is only one place in the middle east that grants their supreme court to women, the ONLY judiciary system in the middle east  in which an Arab woman, male, Jew, Hindu, Ethiopian, Hispanic, Asian, LGBTQ person, etc. may have the right to vote and the right to a fair trial. Only ONE tiny state in the ENTIRE region allows the virtues that come with freedom of speech, right to assembly, equality under the law, etc.

And that place is the State of Israel.


Continue reading “The U.N. Delusion”


Closed Borders Promote Peace

painting1Last Edit 8/29/2018, C. Karen Ben-Moyal


“You build bridges to those people who will work with you. You build walls against those people who would destroy you.”


To Whomever it May Concern,
To deny another man the freedom that he himself has is to diminish the meaning of what it truly means to be an American & patriot at its core.
Instead of relying on politicians to secure our blessings of freedom,  America’s unfulfilled journey towards restoring covenants of old must live on, even if these American duties, both divine and of historic means,  are not fully understood by all.  Justice is offered by nature’s glorious law(s); in the form of choices and decisions and the will to stand firm in the face of adversity. Should all acquaintance be forgot, focus your inner eye on the grand old flag. The symbol of liberty and peace through strength may never be forgotten if it is bounded into your every day decision making. Justice for all will win so long as the balances which weigh out and redefine the global scale of things serve as a permanent reminder to those who may freely choose to think and give; receiving nature’s gift is easy, and yet so rare in our world and even more difficult is it to maintain and secure. The rekindling of Lady Liberty’s flame takes courage and above all, faith beyond belief. Indifferent to the light of democracy are tyrants and their followers who take nature and natural law for granted. This is a blatant fact, for those who believe a dictator could govern a nation better than a majority elected leader are not followers of the American way towards freedom for all, nor contributors to the universal right to become economically stable and therefore hinder the growth of a global civil society. A freer world market should be the guiding light Americans envision when embarking into strategic cooperation  in general,  in daily life and in your work endeavors. To be united and free as the wind that blows,  natural laws are to be influenced all over, to shine away the darkness in all corners of the Earth.  Universal rights can be protected and justified by certain inalienable truths, so long as these truths are proclaimed as the governing laws of the land, of the free of course. Not to mention, natural laws must be protected by those individuals who have the avenues to lead and/or participate in any form of the growing  free enterprise system. America and Her guiding lights must work to maintain Her own free society, by striving to fulfill Her duties as a nation of free men and women, to work to redeem all rights thereof for all who will it. The majority of mankind exist under enslavement of some kind. America’s duty to restore human rights unto all nations has only just begun. A victorious revolution for each actor, as well as any nation-state, including that of American foreign policy makers, requires a reconstruction of laws and amendments needed to continue the virtues our forefathers risked their lives and others to this day have died for us to carry out.
The basis of true progress is resulted from the improvement or update of amendments, not legally outlined in the Bill of  Rights, Declaration of Independence, nor Constitutional principles, but within the realms of foreign affairs. Amendments thereof are required for the successful revision of all such American policies, and therefore must first and foremost be rededicated to coincide with American traditions,  while reminders of the notions of freedom must be simultaneously determined and outlined for the purpose of transforming knowledge into growth. A genuine reevaluation of the whole concept of globalization is necessary by law makers or those who contribute to endeavors politically regarded to the public eye.  All such reevaluations must be maintained by certain methods for successful working implementation in order to later become known by lawmakers for citizens to vote on, and if done correctly, all laws to be amended within the realms discussed in the following situational efforts will be agreed on by all sides of beliefs, both political and religious. As a republic, we should be united in what was meant by our ancestors when the origins of our United States heritage were born and written/interpreted into law. All citizens of America, citizens of our ongoing melting ot of immigrants of old and of new, are wired to instinctively follow the guidelines which have been clearly set out for us descendants, because all of us were born with natural law to pursue our greatest amount of happiness. We must strive for the betterment of us and all mankind,  to accomplish in today’s modern age, a fruitful and bright future of all of us, that is, justice restored again, one day, for all mankind. Virtuous ordinances and universal laws upon which these structured elements were endowed by our Creator unto us as human beings, must be designed by a working legislature and voted into action by citizens who wish to embrace U.S. ideals in other worldly corners, as American laws were created to do. All truths which are self evident in nature are endowed by our universal Creator, meaning all such ancient laws must be created to fit into the changing of times, for all men and women to carry out in our ever changing lives, world, and endeavors.
As Americans, our duties to create peace throughout all lands is considered a priority, just as our right to vote is to be seen as a privilege and utilized by Americans accordingly. Fact is our American identity calls for similar action to be taken regarding ever changing laws of reformation in American foreign policy to be enclosed at times of need by our national doctrines.
As American citizens, all such duties handed unto us cannot remain unfinished, nor are we allowed to stop half way down the line in humanity’s progress towards peace and prosperity in our life cycles.
On the contrary, these rights are part of what established the guidelines which make up the soul of an American, those of which are obviously threaded into Constitutional principles.
Furthermore, quitting is not in a true American’s blood, dying for what’s right is to be expected in the ongoing pursuit of peace endeavors worldwide.
To share the pillars of freedom which branch from the American tree is to guarantee your own civil rights as a citizen of humanity intertwined for working knowledge to be succumbed by the realization that all human rights should be universal and dedicated to all. Justice is meant to be lived by mankind, this includes those living outside American borders.
Thus, all constitutional rights must be reordered for worldly advances for the promotion of self governed regimes to manifest into the destinies all were born to accomplish.
To assist others in peace pursuits is to abide by our American duties..
Unlocking the doors of freedom for all regions and societies should be our collective aim as a society. To experience this justice is as American in U.S. heritage, as are the privileges to vote in American elections or the rights to fair trials are relevant in American endeavors and are as self evident as any and all American dutiful tasks belonging to all U.S. citizens living freely today.
Among other findings, the examples listed beforehand are standards to which U.S. rights must be lived and guided by for all time, as all were set into existence to be contributed eternally through the ages.
That is, to represent the opportunistic ideals America was founded upon should remain secure to ourselves, in both our hearts as well as our laws, as the leaders of a global enterprise were born to do.
It should be a well known American mission, for we cannot ignore, deny, nor cease these ideas from existence. Until completion of all such endeavors described are set as universal markers towards global standards for all mankind to live virtuously in the free.. New and old ordinances must be written to coincide with the future in mind, and restored by the hands which first brought divinely inspired regimes to life.
Thus, ancient glory must constantly be redefined and refueled by effective globalization efforts, to domino the rest of the world aside from Israel and America, towards efficient treatises of peace and autonomy to begin interacting within the borders of each nation state. For these attributes are crucial to all mankind to abide by, as the natural laws of nature are to be forevermore cherished and felt in ripple effects– these rights must be continuously protected by border control.
To unmask the guises of those who wish to harm freedom, we must redeem the identities of all of us as individuals to reconcile negotiations and strategies for collectively defeating all such enemies of the current and future allies of state democracies..
All nations and citizens of free democracies, both formerly dedicated to constitute peace, as well as those whom will choose to participate in the free market once restructure of their own laws allow in future times, are the main factors for navigating prosperity in theory into real life outcomes.
With faith and law being the seeds which unite humanity’s shared values, or those rights meant to be shared by all of us who live and breathe, the laws of nature stem from the webs entangling this knowledge.
In other words, the laws combining politics and religion can be taken from one famous sentence. “All men are created equal,” because “all are endowed by our Creator.”
The envelopment of the branches  of these truths must no longer be meticulous to the status quo. Currently modeled by American enterprises, faith in one Universal God must be secured by law, as tis a birth right for all to own and enjoy, these values have been intertwined into the DNA of humankind since the dawn of time. As an already free society, independent democracies in existence today must work to seek the same end goal, and all whose minds are free from government control may then be able to eventually take measures to cooperate with world leaders in efforts to bring these same lights of freedom to their very own dark corner of the world.

Therefore, the denial of our own rights as citizens of America is an anti American attribute, and thus the decision to shield American rights from all creatures endowed by our universal Creator– simply– ain’t ‘Merican. 

As for those who stand united in the American cause, stay in the struggle, victory is on its way thanks to citizens like you.

                   The future of all of us                 

                             is truly                           

                                               in the PSALMS of our hands. 

Continue reading “Closed Borders Promote Peace”

Jerusalem, Mankind’s very First ‘Embassy’ Among other Thoughts, a short Tribute to the Homeland of all of US. Yours Truly, KBM


 היא מדינת ישראל

President Trump at the Israel Museum. Jerusalem May 23, 2017  Pr

 © Karen Ben Moyal, 5/16/2018

ירושלימ של זהב

Jerusalem, humanity’s very first embassy;
Origins of the first planted seeds;
Sprouted With light, love, faith, and liberty;
A desert only blooms when hope prayer and fate;
Are shared by an unbroken bond, lit with an eternal flame; 
The Tree of Life, the roots of all mankind;
Our worldly Branches connected;
An ancient species restored;
Bonded by prophecy,
in Hope; never fear;
With a passion for purpose— one quite clear;
To honor democracy;
to grow autonomously:
To gain independence,
And spread the wings;
Of freedom, peace,
And economic prosperity;
Unto their neighbors, and now all over the world
In gratitude they give thanks;
To the world,
To their Rock;
To the Redeemer, Adonai;
And of course, To their most cherished ally…
Those who have been awaiting reunion
Ever since Genesis—
In fact, only nation in history Never to wish the Israelites harm;
The United States of America,
For the first time in 2,800 years, took Yisrael under their arms;
It’s Foundations structured in pure *לב*
From Tel Aviv to the Red Sea,
Beyond The Sea of Galilee to the sand dunes of the Negev;
Happiness finally fulfilled,
For All cultures of the world now preserved;
The history of all of us is now Secured;
The entire globe welcome,
Free to return and rejoice
.ירושלימ של זהב
Jerusalem of Gold;
Lives on;
In our hearts and in our Universe;
The redeemers of Zion
Now, too, have a voice;
The Land of Israel belongs you and me.for the sake of our posterity.
Let us keep our Holy Land prosperous and free;
“היא מדינת ישראל.”
She is the State of Israel.
~ Forever & Ever.Amen.

December 18th, 2017: From the Roots of My Tree

Huuuge thanks to all of you lovely ladies & gents for the kind birthday wishes and sweet thoughts this past December 18th!

27 years ago today I started down this life path on Earth. Every birth is renewal, the reproduction of light, love, knowledge, and ultimately, life itself.
Today, I can proudly say that although my birthday was filled with non-stop job interviews and I am blessed to have graduated only a few days ago, from the University of Houston with my Bachelors of Science degree in Political Science.
Since the status quo has consistently brought this assumption to my attention over the years, or the notion that many of you feel as though politics is only a field for those who seek to pursue mass corruption, evil games of manipulation, and/or for power-hungry tyrants who ruthlessly seek out benefits for their own personal gain; and who simultaneously end up causing destruction to whomever stands in their way, In other words, today’s world does not view politics as being in the favor of We, the People, who always seem to get stomped on bc of “greedy” politicians looking to murder, persecute, or enslave civilians in order to reach their questionable life missions and/or goals.
To clear this up for those who continue to question why I chose to fulfill this purpose: The answer is simply this: My passion is not merely to excel at a life of “politics,” not as you all define the term at least.
Simply put, there is an eternal flame that burns within my gut, my innermost core, the soul of my being. My view of politics is more than just a longing for power or money or to tell lies and/or conduct mass manipulations. Politics is merely THE most effective career path to actually make a difference in the world. As Gandhi tells us, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” How does one obtain the position of power to be able to literally fix the problems they want to see solved? They go into politics. This is the 21st century, there is no way around it. To achieve anything near or revolving around heightened activism efforts takes political strides these days. It’s not a bad thing to be passionate about it, either. It is actually a quite noble pursuit if one does strategically develop a fair, safe, and valid plan with honest intentions to achieve lastingly effective results and engage in such efforts that will benefit most People, the greater good, i.e. for thy neighbors, thy friends, thy church group members, whoever it shall benefit, it shalt be one of their own, their fellow citizens. We are, after all, a nation made up of a democratic government meant to be ruled. “by the people, of the people, and for the people.”
How curious is it that no shame disembarks upon postulates after office who advertise promises of pure deceit in return for votes– they sell their souls for political power and become most cherished by the very individuals on whom their scheming is effectuated. This goes for both sides of the political spectrum in 2020.
Furthermore, my heart beats to the drum of an indescribable rhythm. An inexplicably intense feeling which streams down heavily from upon an intangible source of pure desire– to be used for the sole purpose of helping others. However, it takes guts to love, and therefore takes a whole lot more willpower to keep rekindling this drive within a soul. Well, within my soul — that’s for sure.
The way I see it, the more backstabbing and caniving behavior I witness throughout the motives of my peers and even mentors and superiors, the more karma reaches out to me. This is what motivates the light and thus fuels the flame which keeps your candle lit for as long as it takes to restore justice, or, the betterment of mankind; However little or small the issue or dilemma seems to be at first glance, or before a ripple has begun to take effect, the problems and disasters the GLOBE faces today are more complex than meets the eye…. WAY more complex. In this case, the ripple begins with you, it is born from you, it is created through your choices and your will, and, of course, the Will of G-d.
In sum, I can’t help but think of politics as the best — way/venue/route– possible — to take care of humanity itself. If you really think about it, the meaning of life is having the genuine knowledge and self-awareness of your own immortality. Wisdom is the only concept that sets the abstract apart from actual human existence. If you’ve got one but not the other, you will remain in the darkness.
With a little hope, focus on your very own destiny, and most importantly, with some serious GUTS you will find the inner strength to conquer your own self and may even overcome your fears, your insecurities, or whatever may be holding you back. Just remember that whatever is preventing you from truly seeing — or — whatever is keeping you in the dark — is only an emotion that YOU were responsible for letting in, and, you must thereby work twice + as hard to show that emotional creep the exit– out the door. You must also strategize a way to build a barrier around your heart –tall and strong enough so that your anxieties, or stresses, but mainly — your fear(s)– can disappear, for good. This means your guard must always be raised, and your mind must keep ego fierce enough to face your battles, but do not let your ego overcome your sense of humility.
Moreover, these passions, motives, feelings, thoughts, attributes, whatever you’d like to name them — are the matches which fuel the fire that my destiny requires to continue to grow and branch out as far and wide as the roots of my own tree of life, or perhaps the wind that blows will allow. Follow your wind, and I can promise you that —
Your deepest passion(s) will inevitably lead you to your purpose.
With this in mind, I encourage you all to go outside and take a look up into the starry Heavens above. EMBRACE tonight’s New Moon, embrace the endless wonders and impossibilities of our universe. Keep in mind, that with a little bit of creativity and imagination, the Milky Way is sure to throw some magic your way. NOTHING. IS. IMPOSSIBLE. Take it from someone who has literally defied the odds only your fears are forcing you to face. Get rid of fear, get rid of doubt, it sounds cliche, but honest to G-d, believing in yourself works. Your choices are half-chance, so.are.everybody.elses. Run with that 50% chance, run with it to the moon and back. Odds are, you will be the only person striving for the seemingly “impossible.” Because, in reality, not society’s reality, but through your OWN realistic lense, you know your possibilities are actually endless. And there is absolutely nothing that can stop you. Except for fear, don’t let it creep up on you. Your fire can blow it out of the water.
Fire kicks doubt’s ass…. Trust me. NO, better yet, trust in y-o-u! HAVE FAITH IN YOUR ABILITIES.
Did not mean for this to become a whole motivational speech or w/e, but thought it was about time for it, from my perspective anyway.
The origin of all of this thought was to remind y’all to embrace this time/season of renewal, as we ALL transition into the rest of our BEAUTIFUL journeys!
Happy Holidays and a Sweet New Year, Y’all! Take good care.

-Karen Ben-Moyal, Dec. 2017
